the top part of a decorative image showing garden flowers.
Wing Haven Logo

May 25th, 1999
Pauline Runkle.
Floral Artistry.
3 Plum Hill,
Manchester, MA 01944

Dear Pauline:

I want you to know how much all of us at Wing Haven enjoyed your master classes- a delight from start to finish. You dazzled the class with your creative talents and, at the same time, made the beginners among us feel comfortable enough to jump in and join you.

We've had so much positive feedback on your workshop from our beginners as well as from our more advanced participants. Certainly, the fact that half the morning group enrolled for the remainder of the day at our luncheon speaks for itself.

Thank you again for coming to Wing Haven - we are so pleased to have been able to offer our members the opportunity to participate in your workshop. We look forward to having you come south again soon.

Best regards,

Dia Steiger
Director, Educational Programs

248 Ridgewood Avenue
Charlotte, North Carolina 28209
(704) 331-0664
"Nothing that lives but we are one"